The TORQAMP Bypass valve is used on high mass flow applications.
On Turbocharged engines the TORQAMP can be used to spoolup the turbo and eliminate the turbo lag. The bypass valve is used to prevent restriction and facilitate high flows.
On engines with a displacement larger then 3 litre and revving up to 6000 or 7000 RPM, the Bypass valve facilitates easy and high flow. The TORQAMP increases the torque of the engine, and when the flow over the engine increases more, the Bypass valve facilitates easy flow.
The Bypass valve can also be used to prevent restriction in case the TORQAMP kit is switched OFF. The bypass valve allows the engine to breath naturally.
The Bypass valve is designed for easy integration . It can be placed directly between air filter and intake manifold or before the air intake tube from the turbo charger. It can even be welded on intercoolers inlets or outlets.
One can decide to place the bypass before or after the turbo compressor in the intake. The valve will open automatically when the engines’ massflow increases.