Our Open-source Control Box can be used to optimize the TORQAMP specially for your application. You can connect TPS, a PWM signal and or your intake manifold pressure as input signals and program the settings yourself. If you are not able to program the board, no worries, we have some standard settings/ programs that you can download.
On a naturally aspirated engine, the Control box allows you to play with the boost simply by using your throttle pedal. It reads out the throttle position sensor (TPS) and regulates the boost based on the throttle position. The Control box also offers advantage with a large turbo build by measuring the turbo lag. In this case you also have to connect the Control Box pressure sensor to the intake manifold of your engine. The TORQAMP will spool up the large turbo and when the turbo produces enough pressure the TORQAMP will decrease in speed. This results in a much more responsive engine and a huge torque gain at the lower engine rpm.
In addition you connect the hose to the intake manifold to measure the pressure.
The TPS value will now provide a boost setpoint you want to achieve as boost in your intake manifold (for example 40kPa = ~6psi boost at 75% TPS). When you hit the 75% throttle position the TORQAMP will spool up till the pressure is achieved. When the turbo takes over the boost pressure the TORQAMP will spool down.
When you run with an Open-ECU but don’t have an analog output, you probably have a PWM output available. If your have any experience with programming open ECU’s you can write your boost map in the Open-ECU based on your own parameters. The PWM output is converted by the Control Box to a speed setpoint for the TORQAMP.
When you have a TORQAMP on your naturally aspirated engine and you want to control the speed of the compressor with your throttle pedal.
Cars are already equipped with TPS sensors for decades, so it is easy to tap into this singal and directly connect to the Control Box.
You only have to connect 4 wires from your car:
This is the easiest way if you want to control the boost based on the throttle position.
In the software you can find a table which links the input of the TPS to the compressor speed.
The TORQAMP will work great with large turbo builds. It spools up the turbo at much lower engine RPM’s providing a huge torque gain.
For this we developed Boost Control. Boost control is an additon on TPS control.
You only have to connect 4 wires from your car:
In addition you connect the hose to the intake manifold to measure the pressure.
The TPS value will now provide a boost setpoint you want to achieve as boost in your intake manifold (for example 40kPa = ~6psi boost at 75% TPS. When you hit the 75% throttle position the TORQAMP will spool up till the pressure is achieved. When the turbo takes over the boost pressure the TORQAMP will spool down.
A lot of people are driving with an Open/Programmable ECU.
These ECU’s sometimes have analog outputs which could be programmed via a map.
This is great and doesn’t require the Control Box.
When your Open ECU has no analog output but only a PWM output the Control Box can convert this signal to a usable signal for the TORQAMP.